Welcome To Celebrate Again

30-day Self Care Challenge

A 30 day guided self care challange complete with daily experiences, journal prompts, and yoga or meditation classes.


Find a flow, talk, or experience based on an emotion, body sensation, or modality

Road Maps

Customized road map to begin self discovery journey includes prompts, flows and lessons.

Take the quiz to find yours.

Creative Exercises

Unique experiences that help you embody different themes or ideas. You'll find these in your road maps, the resource library, and here.


Downloadable artwork for your phone or to print out.

Self Love Yoga Series

3 one-hour-long self-love yoga series for all body types and 28 days worth of guided meditations.

Community Space

Leave comments after watching videos to connect with each other!

Live classes will begin in Fall 2024

Play Video about "welcome i doubld dog dar you to press play" female throwing hair back with mountains in background

Hello Lovely, I'm Lumalia

Playful explorer and beauty hunter. I’m a certified yoga teacher, a chronic illness warrior, and a beauty seeker. You may know me as a photographer too. 

I’ve spent most of my life surviving. Surviving abuse beyond imaginable, surviving health challenges most people rarely face in a lifetime, surviving a difficult pregnancy, birth, and young baby, surviving a difficult marriage full of co-existing trauma. 

photo of emmy near an alpine lake

Let's Learn To Celebrate Again

I see you, survivor wearing all your armor. Life is not easy, we’ve all been through so much and I’m hear walking through the muck finding the glitter in the sand with you as we learn how to Celebrate Again, every single day, on the hard days, on the good days, in the quiet moments, and especially in all the space we can find wander.

Let's find wonder together