About The Series

Welcome to this Self Love series!

You can practice along however you choose but here is my recommendation to success.

  1. Find a partner to do this series with you, either at the same time or just hold each other accountable to actually watch the videos
  2. Set a designated time to practice, maybe once a week or however best fits your schedule. Put a reminder on your phone, schedule it and commit.
  3. This series was built to be praticed over 3 weeks. One video per week and daily meditations to keep you grounded. But feel free to go as you please!

Tips for success

  • Set a regular time to practice each flow, mark it on your calendar, make this time sacred. Communicate with your family or roommates that you need this time alone so you can protect this time for yourself.
  • Practice with a partner or roommate to hold each other accountable.
  • Create your own space. I have a love guide to help you create your on yoga space at home.
  • If tight yoga pants drive you nuts skip them, wear cozy pants you can move in. Jammies are honestly my favorite yoga attire.
  • Play music you love. Here is a Spotify link to my yoga/mediation playlist you’re welcome to put on during the flows!
  • Above all go with graciousness over judgement.

Cheering you on, friend. 

Love, Lumalia

Self Love Videos

There are three videos. While you can watch the videos in whatever order you like they were designed to build upon each other in theme and ability levels. Click the name of each video to get to the videos & mediations in each series.

Self Love Daily Meditations

Along with each video here are guided meditations that build upon themselves. You can do 6 days of meditation then the video or however feels right to you.


Love this series? 

Submit a review letting Lumalia know how this helped you!

Thank you for joining me through this series. It’s been a pleasure being your guide to deeper self love.


“You are not a drop in the ocean you are the entire ocean in a drop.”
