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Celebrate Again Self Care Membership with library access and monthly live classes

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What's inside the membership?

Bi-weekly, we’ll gather in a community movement meditation practice (zero experience required) to connect, grow, and share.

Unique to Celebrate Again these creatieve experiences will help you step towards the growth and healing you desire in a fun and exciting way inviting you into a sensory experience in the real world.

Not sure where to begin? Take my Self-Awareness Quiz and find your unique roadmap inside the membership with access to all the content that will guide you along in your beautiful journey. Includes:

  • Creative exercises
  • Yoga/meditaiton classes,
  • Inspirational talks
  • Journal prompts
  • Library of 100+ classes to help you regulate your nervous system through accessible yoga and meditation classes
  • Great for beginners and season practioners alike!
  • Sort through classes based on emotions your feeling or body area you’d like to focus on.

Inspirational and education talks or stories based on specific themes that have been vaulable in my own life and what I’ve studied along the way. Including things like:

  • Exploring Self Pleasure
  • Embracing Your Own Life instead of witnessing others
  • Why Self Care is Important as a Mother
  • Importance of feeling safe
  • I’m always adding more classes, talks, creative exercises and stories on a monthly basis!
  • Digital prints of inspiring locations
  • Digital prints of affirmations

Results You'll See

  • Discovering or reinforcing a sense of safety in your body


As a survivor, I understand that safety isn’t something inherited in all of us, but we live in a society that functions as if we do, and it’s my greatest belief that is why we live in such disharmony. There are so few places in the world teaching us how to feel safe in our very own skin, no matter what’s happening outside of us. I’ve had to learn this, and I’m excited to help you build that foundation or reinforce it.

  • Healing from narratives that aren’t from your true self (think childhood wounds, inherited mindsets, cultural programming, etc.)
  • Affirming your sense of belonging and importance
  • Building your confidence and self-worth
  • Feeling into your purpose
  • Creative ways to express yourself


As an artist myself, I believe that at the root of all growth, we must come to a place where we feel free to express ourselves. Expression as humans has come with the most beautiful creations, which I cannot wait to see more of the world step into. My hope is that as you step into the layers of safety,  healing old programming, and feeling a sense of community and confidence, you’ll step into your own creative power in a way you maybe didn’t know you even had. 

  • Maintain healthier and have more meaningful relationships.


Not just a partner or romantic relationship, which will also grow and deepen, but a deep friendship with yourself in a way that is rarely modeled or celebrated.

We’ll also be growing as a community and building friendships across time and space