Intro to Kindred: Safety, Willingness & Open

Intro to Kindred Class with Lumalia: Safety, Willingness & Openness view of the ocean with a bird

Ready for this to be your experience?

“I transported. I felt like I was in a VR world. It’s better than VR. I feel more in touch with my body.”

“I felt really happy and giddy and a sense of unity. It was fun.”

I’m so excited for you to join in this journey of friendship with your body through the practice of Kindred.

This recording didn’t capture the participates so when we break into partner work you can mirror my movements one time and follow your own the next time, knowing I’m still energetically holding space for you.

If you’re not sure what that means, you’ll know once you watch the video. Enjoy friend!

I’d encourage you to come to try a live Kindred class again soon, inside the membership. Classes are listed on the community calendar. Replays are incredibly powerful; the Live classes are really a whole other experience. 


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