Join me in this 10 minute flow: yoga for posture for beginners where I’ll guide you through 3 main poses that will improve your posture while also breaking down mountain pose that you can work on throughout your regular day.
Hey beautiful soul, I’m Lumalia, RYT here at Celebrate Again Yoga. I get that we live in a world where everything draws our posture forward. But I see in myself and others that this closes off our hearts and our voice. So I wanted to bring you a quick 10 minute yoga flow for posture for beginners to help you start the journey to realigning your posture and learning how to find your own unique alignment
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Mountain Pose
While mountain pose may seem like an obvious yoga pose for posture for beginners, it really is a powerful one.
Many of us don’t stand in mountain pose in our regular everyday life. Our natural posture takes over and we may find a lot of our energy centers starting to get shut down, which is partly due to our posture (although never solely, that’s a whole other chakra conversation, one I hope to add to the blog soon!).
To get into mountain pose, you can: 1) Watch the above video for a visual and verbal break down, or 2) Begin with your feet.

Mountain Pose breakdown
- Start by standing your feet hip-width apart. Standing up against a wall with your heels against the wall can help you feel your alignment better. If you have a full length mirror, this can also help.
- Press into all four corners of your feet. Lift your toes to do a little check in of where your weight lies.
Pro Tip Next time your at a beach or sandy area take off your shoes and walk. Or even wet your feet and make foot prints on cool concert. Notice what pattern your feet naturally make. You’ll see where you tend to put your weight, a lot in your heal, your toes, etc. Use this to help you find more balance in your foot place meant as you get on your mat.
- Feel the knee caps lift up as you feel an inner rotation of the thighs spiraling from your calf muscles all the way up to your hip joint.
- Notice your pelvic bowl. Does it tilt forward or back? Leaning against the wall here can help you really feel this. Or looking into a mirror. Try to find your neutral.
- Engage your lower abdomen like you’re pulling your belly button up and in, but not so intensely that you cannot breathe.
- Draw your rib cage together so your ribs don’t jut out.
- Draw your shoulders up to your ears, then down your back on an exhale.
- Check in with your neck that your ears are over your shoulders. (For most of us our chin pushes forward so we do a “skull draw,” aka sliding the neck just slightly back.)
Tada! You just found tadsanana, mountain pose.
I know I know, I couldn’t help myself its just fun to say together!
Reverse Table Top

Reverse table top is a great yoga pose for posture for beginners because it really does the reverse work of all our forwardness our shoulders bear for most of us with hunched over posture.
You may even find after doing this pose that some emotions come up because its such a good heart opener!
Reverse Table Top Breakdown
Begin seated on your bum. Place your feet close in toward your hips but slightly apart, in line with your hip points. Place your hands behind you, fingers pointing towards the bottom edge of your mat.
You can stay here to start to draw the shoulder blades together. Inhale.
Exhale, begin to lift your hip points up to the sky. Aiming to create a flat top with your abdomen.
Feel your shins pushing towards the front of the room and your shoulder blades drawing together while keeping them away from your ears.
Keep that lower abdomen engaged and inner thigh muscles rotating in to engage the deep transverse abdominal muscles to deeply support you.
Keep breathing.
Pro Tip Don’t neglect your neck! Your neck can be relaxed, gaze towards your knees or if you have a strong neck you can relax it back making sure to come out gently if you feel any pain whatsoever. Our heads are very heavy!
Staff Pose

Staff pose is another great yoga pose for posture for beginners because it helps you really focus on sitting upright, which is where most of us spend a lot of our time. It looks so simple, but it is a deeply training posture.
Staff Pose Breakdown
- Begin with your legs extended. Don’t worry if your legs do not extend out completely straight (This will depend on your flexibility levels.)
- Come to find alignment in your spine as you did in mountain pose.
- Legs hip-width apart, toes engaged, knee caps drawing up. Thigh muscles spiraling in slightly.
- Check that your pelvic bowl isn’t rocking forward or back, but is neutral.
- Draw your belly button up and in to engage the lower abdomen. Draw your rib cage together and shoulders down your back to open through the chest.
- Check in with your neck that your ears are over your shoulders.
- Hands resting at your sides, either palms flat or finger tips touching. Note: Not all hands will touch the ground, it has nothing to do with flexibility but completely with anatomy.
More Yoga For Posture for Beginners

Can I tell you a secret? Really all yoga practices will help you with your posture because you’re bringing awareness to your alignment every time you do yoga. So when you step off your mat you know where “center” is. You may even find yourself practicing your mountain pose when you take a drink of water in the kitchen, doing dishes or your next shower.
Want to try more of our free yoga videos? Check them out below!
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Disclaimer: Celebrate Again, LLC recommends that you speak with your physician regarding the applicability of any recommendations and follow all safety instructions before beginning any exercise program. When partaking in any form of physical activity it is potentially hazardous, and that may involve a risk of possible injury or even death. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you voluntarily agree that you do so with the knowledge of the risk involved, expressly assume and accept any and all risks of injury to yourself.
For more info about wrist pain please visit your physician or read here.
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