Yoga Nidra for inner peace and light healing. This 30 minutes guided meditation will help you step into the silent witness following this golden egg Yoga Nidra script. This script is designed for Yoga Nidra practitioners who have tried some of our Yoga Nidra classes before, as the techniques to drop in are for someone with at least some experience in Yoga Nidra. If this isn’t you, get started with our other free Yoga Nidra for healing mediation!
Hey lovely, I’m Emmy, RYT here at Celebrate Again Yoga. Yoga Nidra has literally changed my life and allowed my body, mind and heart to start healing at a deeper level than I ever thought possible. I’m beyond excited to bring you yet another Yoga Nidra for inner peace and healing light guided meditation. Don’t forget to join our newsletter for when I release new Yoga Nidra practices!
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Yoga Nidra for Inner Peace & Healing Light Meditation Video
Before you begin, make sure you’ll be not be disturbed for the duration of your practice, including sweet pets who may wiggle if nestled against you or kids who may come knocking. Lock your door and ask for your household’s support to make sure you are not interrupted. Abrupt exiting of Yoga Nidra practices can result in a bad headache, so do yourself a huge favor and make sure to give your self the space to practice this meditation. I personally even put on a sound machine to dull out the outside sounds of life.
P.S. You can watch the video below to see how I set up my “nest”, but sadly, due to commercial breaks out of my control, I no longer recommend meditations on youtube. I’ve included the audio here instead. Audio does take a moment to load; please be patient.
Why Yoga Nidra For Inner Peace?
The most amazing thing about Yoga Nidra is that it requires so little of the body to participate. It is perfect for someone who is dealing with serious mental or physical health issues like myself, who on some days cannot even get out of bed. It allows the central nervous system to fully relax in ways that most of us don’t achieve even in deep sleep. The techniques of dropping into Yoga Nidra are crazy powerful and I hope you’ll find this and all my other Yoga Nidra practices around here amazingly helpful to you!
Let me know how you feel after your practice in the comments below!
Props for Yoga Nidra
Yoga Mat
Yoga mat: I love my cork yoga mat as its hypoallergenic, environmentally friendly, sustainably made and self cleaning!
Yoga Bolster
Blanket: While you won’t need a blanket, in cooler climates it helps to make sure the body is warm but not so warm that you fall asleep. I personally love my hand woven blanket from Ireland. I also love these alpaca blankets on Etsy!
Back Home in My Body
Free Live Online Event Workshop Now Only on Replay Until Nov 11, 2024
Free Online Workshop

The 5 Surpising Beliefs Keeping You Disconnect From Your Body & Desires
(And How to Break Free)
Do you feel a need for deeper connection, understanding, presence, and intimacy with yourself and those closest to you?
In this workshop, you’ll discover the five key areas where you may have:
- Believed you or your partner needed fixing
- Gained new information but wasn’t sure how to connect to your body and integrate.
- Not been able to access the freedom you so deeply desire.
This is your unique opportunity to learn & practice how to:
- Gain integration exercises with practical tools to stay connected to yourself and your beloveds.
- Feel cherished and worthy of creating the life you desire.
- Connect with your body’s true self
- Build confidence and self-trust with emotional resilience
A Women’s Empowering 90-minute Zoom Workshop on:
Now on replay until Nov 11, 2024
Wish you had a road map to your healing journey?

Take our self-awareness quiz to find out where you are in your journey, and get a free customized road map complete with unique talks, meditations, and yoga practices to help you integrate.
More Yoga Nidra Practices
- Yoga Nidra For Sleep & Insomnia – 20 Minutes
- Yoga Nidra for Healing – 50 Minutes
- Yoga Nidra for Inner Peace – 30 Minutes
- Yoga Nidra for Healing Trauma – 40 Minutes
- New Moon Yoga Nidra In Aquarius – 40 Minutes
- Yoga Nidra for Healing Your Inner Child – 40 Minutes
- Yoga Nidra To Heal Imposter Syndrome – 40 Minutes
Yoga Nidra to Healing Your Inner Child – 45 minutes - Yoga Nidra Classes in Portland, Oregon – In Person
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Disclaimer: Celebrate Again, LLC recommends that you speak with your physician regarding the applicability of any recommendations and follow all safety instructions before beginning any exercise program. When partaking in any form of physical activity it is potentially hazardous, and that may involve a risk of possible injury or even death. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you voluntarily agree that you do so with the knowledge of the risk involved, expressly assume and accept any and all risks of injury to yourself.
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