Yoga is a great resource for practicing self care as it allows you to slow down and take time to really understand what’s going on in your heart, mind, body and soul. Yoga for self care will help you build the awareness you need to live a more intentional life motivated by purpose.
Hey beautiful soul, I’m Emmy, certified yoga teacher and photographer here at Celebrate Again, on a mission to help you live out a lifestyle of celebration.
Self Care Yoga Flow
The biggest piece of practicing yoga for self care is taking time to slow down. While the asana (the postures) are important and helpful, the biggest factor in using yoga for self care is taking on the role of the observer.
1. Notice Your Breathe
Begin your self care yoga flow with breath work. Slowing down your breath and noticing where you begin. You can use your breath to calm your whole body down by lengthening your inhales and extending your exhales a second longer.
I love the breath flow of:
Inhale 4 seconds
Hold for 6 seconds
Exhale for 8 seconds
2. Notice Your Body
Whether you move through a sun salutation or just into warming up yoga postures like Cat and Cow, notice how your body is feeling.
3. Notice your heart
In your self care yoga flow, move into some postures that open up your heart space. This can be Cobra, or simply standing in Mountain pose with your arms stretched wide, shoulder blades pulling back toward each other and gaze towards the sky.
4. Stay open and trust
As you continue to flow, move into the postures your body is asking for. Try not to judge if you’re doing it “right” or wrong, but lean into what your body needs.
5. Respect the journey

As you continue to step deeper into your self care yoga journey, you’ll notice more space opens the more you honor and respect the process.
Self Care Yoga
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You’ll also receive free meditations, other yoga videos and encouraging notes. (Don’t worry, we won’t spam you.)

One of the biggest challenges I ever faced in pursuing self care was feeling like I had the resources and, frankly, the motivation to do so, which is why I have a free self care yoga video I’d love to share with you.
Want access to some shorter yoga classes?
Check out our some of these free yoga classes:
Yoga for adrenal fatigue-20 minutes
Calm yoga for anxiety-17 minutes
Gentle Morning Yoga-20 minutes
Legs up the Wall Yoga Pose-2 minutes
Gentle yoga live replay class – 55 minutes
Yoga for tight shoulders – 10 minutes
For more information about different yoga poses to help in self care check out this.
Want To Go Deeper and Feeling At Home everyday?

Are you ready to return home to a life that feels like yours? Join the Celebrate Again membership today. Celebrate Again Self Care Yoga membership I’ll guide you through transformative teachings, the tools of yoga, meditation, live classes, and extra goodies to step out of surviving and into thriving- practicing and learning self-love.
More Relaxing Yoga Videos
Looking for more yoga videos?
Check out free videos!
Self care yoga flow – 30 minutes
Yoga for adrenal fatigue-20 minutes
Calm yoga for anxiety-17 minutes
Gentle Morning Yoga-20 minutes
Legs up the Wall Yoga Pose-2 minutes
Gentle yoga live replay class – 55 minutes
Yoga for tight shoulders – 10 minutes
Yoga for wrists – 10 Minutes
Yoga for posture for beginners – 10 minutes
Yoga to release emotions – 34 minute class
Yoga for inner strength – 60 minutes
Yoga to feel present when you’re disconnected – 30 minutes
Yoga to feel your best – 35 minutes
Trauma Informed Yoga Class Oline To Feel Safe – 30 Minutes
See all our free yoga videos and meditation videos here!
For deep breakdowns of the yoga positions in the flow check out go here.
Celebrate Again, LLC recommends that you speak with your physician regarding the applicability of any recommendations and follow all safety instructions before beginning any exercise program. When partaking in any form of physical activity is a potentially hazardous one, and that they involve a risk of possible injury or even death. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you voluntarily agree that you do with the knowledge of the risk involved, expressly assume and accept any and all risks of injury to yourself.
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