"Yoga Nidra Full Moon in Leo & Everyday 40 Minute Yoga Nidra For Healing Your inner child" view of an ocean with a lighthouse on the bottom left on the edge of a cliff

Full Moon Yoga Nidra In Leo Or Healing Your Inner Child – 40 Minute – Membership

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Please pause to make your Sankalpa before this class. Here are some good tips to get started: 

If you’re specifically working with the full moon in Leo or just your inner child finding a Sankalpla that fits you may start with some journaling questions such as: 

  • What unmet needs did you not receive as a child that you would like to give yourself as an adult now?
  • What is something you’d like to say to your inner child that you wish your parents or main caregivers would have said to you if you could go back in time?

Some examples of a Sankalpa around these could be:

  • I exist therefore I am loved
  • I am worthy of love
  • I am valuable
  • I am enough
  • I am safe

Try to stay away from negative words or “not” inside of a Sanklapa. The subconscious mind only works in the current tense. For example, turn “I’m not naughty” to “I am good.” 


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Hey, I’m Lumalia, a connection architect here at Celebrate Again Yoga. My passion is guiding others back to their true homes inside their beautiful bodies. Learn more about the Celebrate Again membership to understand more.

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