Self Care Yoga | Mountain Side Yoga
It’s been a long day and its time for some good ‘ol self care yoga. We’ve got you covered, friend, with a relaxing flow to empower you to feel your best as you pursue self care yoga. This flow was specifically created to help you get out of your head, into your body, and enjoy the magical moments of everyday life!
Hey, I’m Lumalia, RYT here at Celebrate Again, where we believe that we should live life to the fullest. With this self care yoga flow, you’ll find a mantra to get your mind connected and a simple flow with modifications for all body types and skill levels.
In this 30-minute self care yoga video, we’ll go through some simple postures that can empower you to care for yourself and dwell in the magic of everyday life.
Jump to the self care yoga video!
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Self Care Yoga Poses
Wondering what poses we’ll cover in this self care yoga flow? Here’s a breakdown of some of the self care, self love yoga poses we’ll be doing throughout the practice. I’ve also included some modifications in these lists if you find those to be helpful for where your body is today. As always, in the practice of yoga, never do anything that causes pain, and please consult a physician before practicing any new forms of exercise.
Self Care Yoga Mountain Side Yoga Poses Explained
- Knees To Chest
- Rock’n’Roll
- If this doesn’t feel good to your spine, you can always roll to one side, using your top hand to push you up to a seated position.
- Simple Seated
- Placing a block or pillow underneath your sits bones can help you sit up straight if you are struggling to find alignment.
- Table Top
- If this causes pain in your knees, consider placing a towel or blanket for more cushion under your knees.
- Be mindful to press into all four corners of your hands to not place undue pressure on your fingertips.
- Cat / Cow
- Skip cow pose if you are pregnant
- Downward Facing Dog
- If this pose bothers your wrists, focus on putting weight into your fingertips instead of the bottom of your palms
- Forward Fold
- Mountain
- Star Pose
- Standing Open A Fold
- Cow Face
- Three Legged Downard Dog
- Lunge
- You can always lower the back knee. If this causes pain in your knees, consider placing a towel or blanket for more cushion under your knees.
- Runners Stretch
- Modified Toe Stand
- Bridge
- This can always be done supported with a block underneath your sacrum or very low back.
- Supine Twist
- Corpse
Self Care Yoga | Tips
Mat Optional But It Helps
Having a yoga mat isn’t necessary, though it helps with grip and padding. A soft rug or large towel will do.
If you’re looking for a great yoga mat, we love cork yoga mats because they are environmentally friendly and chemical free for you too!
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For more tips on how to create a yoga space at home check out our guide!
Self Care Yoga Video: Mountain Side Yoga
Before practicing, please read our full disclaimer below.
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Meditation For Self Care
As we are flowing through this self-care yoga practice I’ll read to you this quote by Victoria Erickson from her book, Edge of Wonder:
“Promise to stay wild with me.
We’ll seek and return and stay
and find beauty in the extraordinary
in all the spaces we can claim.
How to breathe magic
into the mundane.”
You can continue to practice this meditation for inner peace on your own using this self-care mantra
Inhale: Linger in Beauty
Exhale: Dwell in the magic (mystery/God) of the mundane
Bonus Self Care Yoga, Mountain Side Yoga ScreenSaver

Want To Go Deeper and Feeling At Home everyday?

Are you ready to return home to a life that feels like yours? Join the Celebrate Again membership today. Celebrate Again Self Care Yoga membership I’ll guide you through transformative teachings, the tools of yoga, meditation, live classes, and extra goodies to step out of surviving and into thriving- practicing and learning self-love.
More Self Care Yoga Videos
Looking for more self care yoga videos?
Check out free videos!
Self care yoga flow – 30 minutes
Yoga for adrenal fatigue-20 minutes
Calm yoga for anxiety-17 minutes
Gentle Morning Yoga-20 minutes
Legs up the Wall Yoga Pose-2 minutes
Gentle yoga live replay class – 55 minutes
Yoga for tight shoulders – 10 minutes
Yoga for wrists – 10 Minutes
Yoga for posture for beginners – 10 minutes
Yoga to release emotions – 34 minute class
Yoga for inner strength – 60 minutes
Yoga to feel present when you’re disconnected – 30 minutes
Yoga to feel your best – 35 minutes
Trauma Informed Yoga Class Oline To Feel Safe – 30 Minutes
See all our free yoga videos and meditation videos here!
For deep breakdowns of the yoga positions in the flow check out go here.
Celebrate Again, LLC recommends that you speak with your physician regarding the applicability of any recommendations and follow all safety instructions before beginning any exercise program. When partaking in any form of physical activity is a potentially hazardous one, and that they involve a risk of possible injury or even death. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you voluntarily agree that you do with the knowledge of the risk involved, expressly assume and accept any and all risks of injury to yourself.
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